교수소개 교수소개 정보공개 방법 : 포털로그인→종합정보시스템→인사→자기소개등록 공개여부 체크
성 명 박경희
소속학부 (과) 간호학과 전공 지역사회간호학, 성인간호학
이메일 khpark@suwon.ac.kr 연구실 미래혁신관 407호
연락처 031-229-8410 FAX 031-229-8316
홈페이지 -
학 력
  • 서울대학교 간호학사 
    서울대학교 간호학 석사
    건국대학교 간호학 박사
경 력
  • 1985 - 1993    서울대학교병원 간호사
    1994 - 2015    삼성서울병원 파트장, 전문간호사 겸 국제 상처.장루.실금 전문교육과정 과정장
    2007 - 2015    성균관대학교 초빙교수
    2014 - 2015    건국대학교 객원교수
    2015             성신여자대학교 객원교수
    2015 - 현재     수원대학교 간호학과 부교수

    [전문분야 경력]
    1996            미국, Emory University Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing 교육과정 졸업
    1997            미국, Certified Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse 자격 취득
    2006            캐나다, International Interdisciplinary Wound Care 교육과정 졸업
    2007            국내, 노인전문간호사 자격 취득
    2000 - 2008    상처.장루.실금 간호사회 부회장
    2009 - 2012    World Union of Wound Healing Societies, Representative planner
    2004 - 2006    The World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, Education committee
    2004 - 현재    대한창상학회, 부회장역임, 현 자문위원
    2012 - 현재    대한당뇨발학회, 간호분과위원장 역임, 현 부회장
  • 만성질환, 근거기반간호, 상처관리, 욕창 및 실금간호, 당뇨발 관리, 노인간호, 인공지능(AI)
주요논문 (최근 5년간)
  • . (SCOPUS) Park KH, Baek K, Kim M, Ju MJ, Jung WH, Yoon YS. Prospective, randomized, non-inferiority trial to compare the efficacy of 3% Povidone-Iodine foam dressing and silver foam dressing in the treatment of pressure injuries. J Wound Manag Res. 2023;19(1):13-20.
    . Park KH, Choo HJ, Seo HJ, Hong HK, Lee JH, Lim KChoon. Updates of nursing evidence-based practice guideline for indwelling urinary catheterization. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2023;29(3): 211-222. 
    . Kim JY, Park KH, Park OK, Park JH, Lee YJ, Hwang JH. Updates of nursing evidence-based practice guideline for pressure injury.  J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2023;29(1):12-23.
    . Shin EJ, Park KH, Y KH. Wound care in an older rural patient with diabetic lower extremity ulcers: A case report. J Korean Acad Rural Health Nurs. 2023;18(2):92-98.
    . (SCI) Yu M, Park KH, Shin J, Lee JH. Predicting the cut-off point for interface pressure in pressure injury according to the standard hospital mattress and polyurethane foam mattress as support surfaces. Int Wound J. 2022;1509-1517.
    . Park KH. Influencing factors on care burden in the family caregivers for elders with dementia: Focusing on family caregivers using a regional health centers for dementia. Evidence and Nursing. 2022;10(1):30-37. 
    . Park KH, Jeong JS, Hong EY, Lim KC. Effectiveness of prophylactic dressings to prevent pressure injury : A meta-analysis. Evidence and Nursing. 2020;8(1):7-17.
    . Yu M, Shine JS,  Lee JH, Park KH. Interface pressure differences according to support surfaces and pressure injury. J Korean Data Analysis Soc. 2020;22(5):2049-2062.
    . Kim YK, Park, KH, Lee JJ, Kim JH, Song HJ. Knowledge and practice regarding diabetic foot prevention care among care helpers in long term care facilities. J Muscle Jt Health. 2020;27(2):160-168.
    . Cho I, Park KH, Suh M, Kim EM. Evidence-based clinical nursing practice guideline for management of inpatient falls: Adopting the guideline adaptation process. J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2020;27(1):40-51.
    . Park KH, Kim JY, Park OK, Park JH, Lee YJ, Hwang JH. Updates of nursing practice guideline for pressure injury. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2019;25(1):67-79.
    . Park KH, Jeong JS, Kim JH, Kwon JS, Kim KS,…& Eun Y. Current status for evidence-based nursing in the hospitals and roles of the Korean Society of Evidence-Based Nursing. Evidence and Nursing. 2018;6(1):11-21. 
    . Ryu JG, Jeong JS, Jeong IS, … & Park KH, Seo HJ. Adaptation of isolation guidelines for health care settings. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2018;24(2):209-226. 
    . (SCI) Park KH, Park J. The Efficacy of a Viscoelastic Foam Overlay on Prevention of Pressure Injury in Acutely Ill Patients: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(5):440-444.
    . (SCI) Park KH, Choi H. Prospective study on Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis and its Severity instrument for verifying its ability to predict the development of pressure ulcers in patients with fecal incontinence. Int Wound J. 2016;13(suppl.s1):20-25.
    . Jeong IS, Jeong JS, Seo HJ, Hong EY, Park KH,…& Lee YH. Development of nursing practice guideline on intermittent urinary catheterization by using remake process. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2016;22(3):285-293.
    . Park KH. The interface pressure of viscoelastic support surface. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2016;12:36-38.
    . (SCI) Park KH, Choi H. Adaptation and evaluation of the incontinence care protocol. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2015;45(3):357-366.
    . Jeong IS, Park KH, Song BR,… & Jeong JS. Development of clinical practice guideline by adaptation: diabetic foot care. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2015;21(2): 196-206. 
    . Park KH. The support surface and its effect in preventing pressure ulcer. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2015;11(2):97-102.
    . Jeong IS, Jeong JS, Seo HJ, Lim EY, Hong EY, Park KH, ... & Park SA. Development of indwelling urinary catheterization guideline by adaptation process. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2015;21(1), 31-42.
    . Park KH. Suspected deep tissue injury and managing shearing force. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2014;10:89-93.
    . Jeong IS, Kim S, Jeong JS, Hong EY, Lim EY, Seo HJ, Park KH,... & Hwang JH. Development of pressure ulcer management guideline by adaptation process. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2014; 20(1):40-52. 
    . (SCI) Park KH, The effect of a silicone border foam dressing for prevention of pressure ulcers and Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis in intensive care unit patients. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2014;41(5):424-429.
    . (SCI) Park KH, Kim KS. Effect of a structured skin care regimen on patients with fecal incontinence. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2014;41(2):161-167.
    . (SCI) Park KH. The effect of a Ceramide-containing dressing  preventing pressure ulcers. J Wound Care. 2014;23(7):347-353.
    . (SCI) Park KH. A retrospective study using the pressure ulcer scale for healing (PUSH) tool to examine factors affecting stage Ⅱ pressure ulcer healing in a Korean acute care hospital. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2014;60(9):40-51.
    . Park KH. Perineal skin care for incontinence. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2012;8(1):1-5.
    . (SCI) Sung YH, Park KH. Factors affecting the healing of pressure ulcers in a Korean acute care hospital. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2011;1(1):38-45.
    . Kwon KM, Rho JH, Park KH. Wound care of diabetic foot. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2011;7(2):81-83.
    . Baek KW, Park KH. A case sacral pressure ulcer with undermining caused by immobilization. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2011;7(1):84-87.
    . Park KH. A case of toxic epidermal necrolysis induced by methazolamide treatment. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2010;6(1):25-32.
    . Park KH, Kim KS. Factors affecting healing of stage 2 pressure ulcer. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2010;3(2):1-11.
    . Choi SE, Lim EA, Park K, Park JA, Sung YN, Park KH. Economic evaluation of bFGF spray for non-inflammatory pressure ulcer patients. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2010;6(2):55-61.
    . Park KH. Moisture associated skin damages versus pressure associated skin damages. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2009;5(1):34-39.
    . Park KH. Dressing for pressure ulcers. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2008;4(1):24-27.
    . Park KH. Factors affecting the healing of pressure ulcers. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 2008;4(2):92-95.
    . Park KH. Physical examination and management of lower extremity ulcers. J Korean Wound Management Soc. 20006;2(1):47-52.
    . Park KH, Park JH, Lee EH, Kim EO, Jung YY, Sung YH. The effect of crusting technique on the peristomal skin care. 2003;9(1):125-135. 
    . Park KH, Kim JS, Baek HJ, Kim HH, Kang JE, Hong SY. The effect of the structured patient education on self-care in ostomate. 1999;5(2):31-48.
  • 지역사회간호학, 성인간호학, 상처.장루.실금 관련, 당뇨발 관련, 근거기반간호 관련
저 서
  • . 박경희. 그림으로 보는 상처관리. 파주: 군자출판사; 2019. 
    . 공저. 창상감염. 파주: 군자출판사; 2019.
    . 공저. 재활의학 I, Ⅱ 6th 파주: 군자출판사; 2019.
    . 공저. 건강사정. 파주: 군자출판사; 2019.
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (낙상관리). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2019.  
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (의료기관의 격리지침). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2018.
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (욕창간호-개정판). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2018.
    . 공저. 창상드레싱제. 파주: 군자출판사; 2018.
    . 공저. 보건교육방법론. 서울: 수문사; 2018.
    . 공저. 지역사회보건간호학. 서울: 수문사; 2017.
    . 공저. 성인간호학. 서울: 정담미디어; 2017.
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (간헐적도뇨). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2015.
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (유치도뇨). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2014.
    . 공저. 근거기반 실무지침 (당뇨인의 발 관리). 서울: 한국건강증진재단; 2014.
    . 공저. 당뇨발 한국형 진료지침서. 파주: 군자출판사; 2014.
    . 공저. 근거기반 임상간호실무지침 (욕창간호). 서울: 병원간호사회; 2013.
    . 공저. 성인간호학. 서울: 군자출판사; 2011.
    . 박경희. 그림으로 보는 상처관리. 서울: 군자출판사; 2010.
    . 공저. 최신 임상간호메뉴얼. 서울: 현문사; 2009.
    . 공저. 당뇨발 관리 지침서. 서울: 군자출판사; 2009.
    . 공저. 상처관리. 서울: 포널스출판사; 2009.
    . 공저. 욕창관리 지침서. 서울: 포널스출판사; 2008.
    . 박경희, 박승미, 전호경. 상처.장루. 서울: 현문사; 2005.
    . 공저. 노인요양관리 가이드. 서울: 대한간호협회; 2005