교수소개 교수소개 정보공개 방법 : 포털로그인→종합정보시스템→인사→자기소개등록 공개여부 체크
성 명 황용득
소속학부 (과) 데이터과학부 전공 생물정보학
이메일 ydhwang@suwon.ac.kr 연구실 글로벌경상관 911호
연락처 031-220-2301 FAX 미설정
홈페이지 미설정
학 력
  • 2009-09-01 ~ 2016-02-19 한국과학기술원 공학박사
    2007-09-01 ~ 2009-08-31 한국과학기술원 공학석사
    2001-03-02 ~ 2007-02-15 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 공학사
경 력
  • 2016-02 ~ 2017-09 서울대학교 생물학과 박사후연구원
  • □ Genomics
    □ Bioinformatics
    □ Machine learning
    □ Computational biology
주요논문 (최근 5년간)
  • □ Kim, S., Hwang, Y., Webster, M. J., & Lee, D. (2016). Differential activation of immune/inflammatory response-related co-expression modules in the hippocampus across the major psychiatric disorders. Molecular psychiatry, 21(3), 376-385.

    □ Hwang, Y., Kim, J., Shin, J. Y., Kim, J. I., Seo, J. S., Webster, M. J., ... & Kim, S. (2013). Gene expression profiling by mRNA sequencing reveals increased expression of immune/inflammation-related genes in the hippocampus of individuals with schizophrenia. Translational psychiatry, 3(10), e321.

    □ Hwang, W., Hwang, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, D. (2013, April). Rule-based multi-scale simulation for drug effect pathway analysis. In BMC medical informatics and decision making (Vol. 13, No. Suppl 1, p. S4). BioMed Central Ltd.

    □ Jung, J., Ryu, T., Hwang, Y., Lee, E., & Lee, D. (2010). Prediction of extracellular matrix proteins based on distinctive sequence and domain characteristics. Journal of Computational Biology, 17(1), 97-105.

    Yongdeuk Hwang, Doheon Lee, Human breast cancer classification using combined analysis of CNVs and gene expression, CBI-KSBSB Joint Conference (Bioinfo 2009), Busan, Korea, Nov.4-6, 2009

    Yongdeuk Hwang, Kwang H. Lee, Doheon Lee, WittyCG: A web based platform for integrated cancer gene set test, SCIS & ISIS 2010, Okayama, Japan, Dec.8-13, 2010
  • □ Data Science
    □ Bioinformatics
    □ Statistics
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