주요논문 (최근 5년간) |
- International Journal
S Back, H Sakanakura (2022) Comparison of the efficiency of metal recovery from wet- and dry-discharged municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash by air table sorting and milling, Waste Management 154, 113-125
E Lee, J Lee, T Kim, S Lee, S Back, S Kim (2022) Development of selective mercury recovery technology by using iron iodide from waste sludge of non-ferrous metal smelting process, Environmental Pollution 315,120402
H Kitamura, M Ueshima, S Back, N Sutthasil, H Sakanakura, T Ishigaki, M Yamada (2022) Impact of diatomite addition on lead immobilization in air pollution control residues from a municipal solid waste incinerator, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 21232-21243
S Back, H Sakanakura (2021) Distribution of recoverable metal resources and harmful elements depending on particle size and density in municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash from dry discharge system, Waste Management 126, 652-663
S Back, H Sakanakura (2021) Inventory of twenty‑six combustible wastes as sources of potentially toxic elements: B, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Sb, Ba, and Pb, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 23, 664-675
S Back, K Ueda, H sakanakura (2020) Determination of metal-abundant high-density particles in municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash by a series of processes: Sieving, magnetic separation, air table sorting, and milling, Waste Managemet 112, 11-19
S Back, E Lee, Y Seo, H Jang (2020) The effect of NaOH for the recovery of elemental mercury from simulated mixture wastes and waste sludge from an industrial process using a thermal desorption process, Journal of Hazardous Materials 384, 121291
S Back, B Joung, E Lee, J Sung, A Mojammal, Y Park, Y Seo (2020) Correlation between mercury content and leaching characteristics in waste phosphor powder from spent UV curing lamp after thermal treatment, Journal of Hazardous Materials 382, 121094
E Lee, S Cho, S Back, Y Seo, S Kim, J Ko, (2020) Effect of substitution reaction with tin chloride in thermal treatment of mercury contaminated tailings, Environmental Pollution 264, 114761
E Lee, S Back, A Mojammal, Y Seo, H Jang (2020) Mass balance of mercury in a pilot scale mercury recovery plant using thermal roasting technology, Atmospheric Pollution Research 11, 886-893
A Mojammal, S Back, Y Seo, J Kim (2019) Mass balance and behavior of mercury in oil refinery facilities, Atmospheric Pollution Research 10, 145-151
S Back, A Mojammal, H Jo, J Kim, M Jeong, Y Seo, H Joung, S Kim (2019) Increasing seawater alkalinity using fly ash to restore the pH and the effect of temperature on seawater flue gas desulfurization, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 962-973
S Back, A Mojammal, J Kim, Y Kim, K Seok, Y Seo (2019) Mercury distribution analyses and estimation of recoverable mercury amount from byproducts in primary metal production facilities using UNEP toolkit and on-site measurement, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 915-924
J Sung, S Back, E Lee, H Jang, Y Seo, Y Kang, M Lee (2019) Application of powdered activated carbon coating to fabrics in a hybrid filter to enhance mercury removal, Journal of Environmental Sciences 80, 58-65
J Sung, S Back, B Jeong, J Kim, H Choi, H Jang, Y Seo (2018) Oxy-fuel co-combustion of sewage sludge and wood pellets with flue gas recirculartion in a circulating fluidized bed, Fuel Processing Technology 172, 79-85
H Jang, S Back, J Sung, Y Kang, J Jurng, Y Seo (2018) The simultaneous capture of mercury and fine particles by hybrid filter with powder activated carbon injection, Environmental Pollution 237, 531-540
J sung, D Roy, J Oh, S Back, H Jang, S kim, Y Seo, J Kim, C Lee, Y Han (2018) Trans-boundary movement of mercury in the Northeast Asian region predicted by CAMQ-Hg from anthropogenic emissions distribution, Atmospheric Research 203, 197-206
국내 학술지
백승기 (2024) 실험실 규모의 머플로에서 열탈착법을 적용한 수은 오염 토양의 정화, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 41(1), 80-88
이은송, 송금주, 서용칠, 백승기 (2023) 폐슬러지의 열처리 후 잔류물 내 수은 함량 및 용출 특성, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 40(3), 283-291
백승기, 성진호, 정법묵, 장하나, 이은송, 조수진, 강연석, 서용칠 (2019) 미세먼지 제어용 하이브리드필터 시스템 적용 시 발생하는 석탄연소잔류물의 수은화합물 안정도 평가, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 36(7), 683-692
이은송, 백승기, 조수진, 김기헌, 서용칠 (2019) 폐기물 소각시설 비산재의 함량-용출 상관관계 도출을 통한 수은화합물 안정도 평가, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 36(7), 624-631
김정훈, 백승기, 성진호, 이은송, 이주찬, 문경림, 박용준, 서용칠 (2018) 수은 흡착공정에서 배출되는 폐 활성탄의 열적처리를 통한 흡착성능 재생, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 35(3), 243-249
백승기, 정법묵, 이은송, 성진호, 이선재, 박용준, 서용칠 (2017) UV램프 폐형광체 수은 열적처리 및 잔류물 용출 특성, 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 34(2), 180-187
백승기, 유흥민, 장하나, 정현태, 서용칠 (2017) 순환유동층보일러의 과열기 튜브 부식에 알칼리 금속과 염소가 미치는 영향, 한국공업화학회지 28(1), 29-34