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Adjunct Organizations

The Main Library
  • The Main Library is divided into the study area and the research area. The study area on the 1st and 2nd floors is open to everybody, while the research area can be accessed only through B.D.S. on the 3rd floor. Students, graduate students, and professors can engage in research works in reference rooms on 4th, 5th, and 6th floors. Since 1993 collections in the library have been added to the database and access to the database through the internet is available inside and outside the university. Since 1997 the library has operated the “electric library” which enables the use of CD-ROM, microfilms, A/V materials, the satellite broadcasting system and on-line service. The home-page of the library help in utilizing the library and also for searching materials. It includes the inter-library loan service, VOD service and digital information service. With the establishment of wireless LAN network and the synthetic “electric library” in 2008, The Main Library fulfills its role as electric information center
Amaranth Hall
  • Amaranth Hall was constructed in September 2001 to promote students' welfare. In the basement of the hall, there are facilities such as fitness center with ultramodern equipments, computer rooms with high speed internet network, a billiards room, and performance rooms for dance and play. On the first floor, there are facilities such as the students' dining room with the capacity of 400 seats, snack corner with 30 seats, a store and lounge. On the second floor there are facilities such as luxurious faculty dining room, lounge and seminar room. Various exhibition rooms and seminar rooms are on the third and fourth floors. Amaranth Hall, named after ever-lasting flower, is a place where students and faculty can recharge themselves in their guest for knowledge.
The Lecture Hall
  • The Lecture Hall stands six stories above and one story under the ground having a total floor space of 16,500 square meters. It has an ultramodern lounge, lecture rooms equipped with multi-media facilities, lecture rooms in tiers, seminar rooms, and a resting room for faculty members. A Students' dining room, a bank, and a student service center are located in the basement. On-line education is available through the interactive multi-media education system, intramural computer network, and VOD server. Intensive language training is also available in this building for students majoring in foreign languages. There is also an Audio/Video Library and a room accessible to satellite broadcasting, which help students practise foreign languages.
The Museum
  • The museum is one of the largest university museums in scale. There are four exhibition rooms: a room for crockery, china ware, letters and teaching materials respectively. University museums, unlike other museums, put emphasis not only on exhibition, but also on the aspects of research and education. This is because they are fundamentally the adjunct organizations of universities as pavilions of education and research. The museum of USW has continuously grown in the aspects of exhibition, investigation and research. Since 2007, it has managed College of the Gyeonggi Cultural Properties which specifically engages in research and social education on the cultural assets of Gyeonggi area. The museum has also collected various kinds of historical remains in order to enhance its fame as comprehensive museum. It pays special attention to the collections and exhibitions of local historical remains of Gyeonggi province. It will also enhance its capacity for research to become a well balanced museum complex.
Career Placement Office
  • The Career Placement Office provides various kinds of materials concerning employment, overseas study, study tour, and part-time jobs. The staffs carries out their duties through such activities as analysis of employment, recommendations and consultations. It recently opened its own site on the Internet (http://suwon.njob.net), and provides students with up-to-date information on employment, special lectures for employment, on-line questionnaires, help-wanted advertisements, and informations on the acquisition of various vocational licenses. This office introduced an employment guidance system which helps students to select their career by offering useful, timely and precise informations on employment. Recently, the office has recruited and supported groups of applicants for employment and offered programs such as Employment Camp and New Deal for the Youth in Gyeonggi Province. It also gives aptitude tests for employment, and started a 'job-cafe' equipped with computers for easy access to employment informations. In this job-cafe students learn to fill in application forms of employment amongst other skill. Moreover, invites personnel administrator or CEOs as special lecturers.
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