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Division of Hotel & Tourism


The division aims to educate and foster professionals and leaders who are creative and confident, and can lead international hotel industry. Hotel Management takes the concept of "service", which plays the role of basic infrastructure of tourism industry, and whose importance is growing rapidly, as a core element of creating values. The cultivation of professionals in hotel industry is urgently required in national competitiveness. The major has programs to educate and foster professionals and leaders who are creative and confident, and can lead hotel management industry.

Restaurant Management aims to cultivate human resources who will lead the industry of dining out professionally and creatively. Several economic and social indexes such as increase of income, nuclear family, and economically active women anticipate the growth of dining out in recent days. Therefore, it teaches business process of dining out, and specific knowledge of cooking, food, and nutrition, and aims to produce professionals who will contribute to the development of feeding and dining out.

Tourism Management aims to cultivate professional human resources. Tourism management is the most promising industry which is expected to satisfy desires of various kinds of people. In the age of experience tourism, theme park industry, including entertainment, shopping, beverage and food, and transport, is becoming more important as an overall consensus of tourism. Tourism industry in the modern society is recognized as a big industry and the major element of attracting tourists which can stimulate the development of the local community and the related industries. The major focuses on cultivating professionals who contributes to tourism industry, theme park, convention, casino and service industry.

Majors and Degree Programs
Majors and Degree Programs
Major Undergraduate course Master Degree course Doctor Degree course
Major in Hotel Management
Major in Restaurant Management
Major in Tourism Management
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