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Division of Foreign Languages

Department Introduction
  • Address : College of Humanities 111. Chinese Language & Literature, The University of suwon, 17, Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18323, Republic of Korea
  • Location : College of Humanities Building 3rd floor
  • TEL: 031-220-2506
  • Homepage : https://uswchinese.modoo.at/
Major Introduction

Department of Chinese Language and Literature was established as department of Chinese Language in 1992 and has 764 graduates for 24 years. The Department has endeavored to foster global leaders with international insight and Chinese experts who contribute to cultural exchanges between Korea and China on the basis of 'frugality, creativity, justice' which are the founding spirit of the Suwon University. Furthermore, the Department provides various courses and programs that combine Chinese studies and other relative fields to nurture persons that can think in a comprehensive and creative way. Especially, through various exchange programs with universities in China, many students are having opportunities to develop global insights by experiencing China and communicating with Chinese students. Most of the students in this Department can freely choose a university in China including Nankai University or Shanghai Jiao Tong University to visit as an exchange student for 6 months or a year with scholarship, and those who are selected can apply for a dual degree course (2+2) at Nanjing University and Shandong University.

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