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Division of Biochemical Industry


Major in Bioscience

Bioscience is the study of living things. The division aims to acquire knowledge of bioscience through lectures and practice and it encourages students to be a leader of science. In addition, students have a chance to double major in Biomarketing and Chemistry and they are expected to enter Graduate School of Education and Pharmacy after graduation.

Major in Biotechnology & Biomarketing

Biotechnology is a technology to take advantage of an organism or organic system in order to improve our life and environment. The division helps to develop and sell bioproducts using knowledge of biotechnology. It focuses especially on biomedicine, functional foods, cosmetics and fermented food in order to cope with bioproduct market. It also encourages learning foreign languages and understanding marketing to produce biomarketing professionals.

Major in Chemistry

Chemistry is a primary science that studies substances and changes of substances in the universe. It is necessary to gain knowledge of biology, medicine, pharmacy, food science, environment, architecture and material engineering, and is closely related to changes in nature and society. In practice, it is associated with daily life and plays an important role in science and technology. Graduates are expected to work in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and national and public research institutes, and to study at graduate schools.

Majors and degree program
Majors and degree program
Major Undergraduate course Master Degree course Doctor Degree course
Major in Bioscience
Major in Biotechnology & Biomarketing
Major in Chemistry
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