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Division of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Department Introduction
  • Address : 308, The Main Engineering Building, Major in Electronic Engineering, The University of Suwon, 17, Wauan-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18323, Republic of Korea
  • Location : 308, The Main Engineering Building
  • TEL : 031-220-2531
Major Introduction

Electronic Engineering is gaining more importance in a wide range of information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. It covers computer system, digital system, development of semiconductors, communication technology, optic-electronic devices, and automatic control and so on. To meet the demand from industry whose technologies evolve very fast, the department offers a wide range of courses with emphasis on hands-on experience. To supply well trained engineers to the industry, the major offers students various educational opportunities from elementary to state of the art technologies to make them lead the future technological innovations in the related fields.

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